Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Amazon Algorithm Solution

I was going over a blog by a classmate of mine who's been contributing a lot to our internal project. I stumbled upon a post of his regarding Amazon's online technical interview question and decided to take a crack at it in Javascript.

It is pretty simple: Given 2 lists of numbers and a maximum, find the maximum sum of a number from list2 that is smaller or equal to the given maximum as well as the number of occurrences.

This is the first attempt of what I had, with what I understood as the requirements
// Given 2 lists of numbers and a maximum, find the maximum of sum of a number from 
// list1 + a number from list2 that is smaller or equal to the given maximum, as 
// well as the number of occurrences.

function find(list1, list2, max){
    let resultsArr = [];
    // we will filter list2 for nums that are small or equal to given max
    list2.filter((x) => {
        return x <= max
    // we will then use the filtered list and get a sum of each
    .map((filteredNum) => {
        list1.forEach((num) => {
            resultsArr.push(num + filteredNum);


let list1 = [5,10,15]
let list2 = [1,2,3]
find(list1, list2, 2);

It works and does as expected, but upon re-reading the requirements again. I decided to do another one. This is the second attempt of what I had, with revised understanding of requirements
// Given 2 lists of numbers and a maximum, find the maximum of sum of a number from 
// list1 + a number from list2 that is smaller or equal to the given maximum, as 
// well as the number of occurrences.

function find(list1, list2, max){
    const results = [] => {
        list2.forEach((num2) => {
            const num = num1 + num2;
            if (num <= max){

    const maxResult = Math.max(...results);
    const finalResult = results.filter((num) => {
        return num == maxResult;

    console.log('The list of sums: ' + results);
    console.log('The largest sum less than or equal to ' + max + ' is ' + maxResult);
    console.log('The # of occurrences for the largest sum is ' + finalResult.length);

let list1 = [13,13,15]
let list2 = [1,2,3]
find(list1, list2, 15);

Tested it and it works!

The list of sums: 14,15,14,15
The largest sum less than or equal to 15 is 15
The # of occurrences for the largest sum is 2

Further tweaks I could do, would be to have a variable to hold the max value for the current iteration and have a counter that will track, instead of pushing to an array and then doing all the work at the end

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